
Summit Team Building

Zoom Icebreakers: 10 Easy Ways in 2022 to Energize Meetings | Summit

Zoom Icebreakers | 10 Ways to Energize Your Meetings in 2022

Since 2020 virtual meetings have become, a normal part of many people’s work life. Have you experienced online meetings that are dull and unenergetic, with video screens off? Staying focused and engaged can be difficult. This is where Zoom icebreakers can help get your meetings off to a good start with your team! Even if you’re not using Zoom, try these out regardless of the meeting platform you’re using.

At Summit, we have spent the past two decades designing innovative activities and programs that energize and engage our clients, and we have a reputation for delivering team experiences that break the mold. Now that virtual meetings are reality for most teams at least sometimes if not most often, we put our heads together to discover and create, new zoom icebreakers that work well in virtual team environments. These icebreakers are energizers that can be used to boost your online team meetings if you use Zoom or not.